Mentors 101: Finding, Maintaining, and Outmatching Your Mentor

Caravaggio studied under Titian, Donald Trump learned from his dad, and Audrey Hepburn had Marie Rambert. Budding talents, whether they're artisans or entrepreneurs, learn their trade through apprenticeship.

You lot probably already know that a mentor can be your strongest back up every bit you grow in your field, merely why should you go one, how practice you keep that person, and what do you do as your relationship grows? Below, I've compiled three lessons from acknowledged authors in business organisation and growth who break down the intricacies of this nearly hallowed of teacher-educatee liaisons.

Lesson 1 with Keith Ferrazzi of Never Eat Alone: Surround yourself with the right influences

In her essay, The Eyedropper Sample of Friendship, Facebook Product Design Director Julie Zhuo explains the eyedropper sample of friendship. "In designer terms, if the world is ane sleeky, 7-billion pixel prototype, what color you are is likely the average of an 11X11 eyedropper sample of those effectually yous." Here, the eyedropper sample of friendship describes your social and personal ties, but it applies to your professional influences, likewise.

Getting close to pioneers in your field teaches you lot the tricks of the merchandise; at the aforementioned time, their "color," or traits and proclivity toward success, rubs off on you. And the benefits of making smart allies don't end at that place, because doing so also helps you develop the all-important personal network. Keith Ferrazzi, author and CEO of consulting and research institute Ferrazzi Greenlight, explains it inNever Eat Alone:if your personal network comprises people with many good contacts, you lot'll find your own listing of contacts beginning to improve and grow. And the better these people are doing, the likelier it is you'll start to have on the color of success.

Lesson 2 with Sheryl Sandberg of Lean In: Be a partner, non a parasite

Recollect that kid at school who cozied up to you whenever exam day rolled around? Like an unbottled genie or a door-to-door salesman, he'd materialize, grinning and dragging his desk close to yours. For v minutes y'all had a new best friend, simply as soon as the bell rang, where'd he become? Who knows? But he no longer needed the answer to #23.

In Lean In, Facebook's COO Sheryl Sandberg advocates for not simply finding a mentor then yous can excel, but excelling so that you lot can notice a mentor. Mentors – even when they are your peers (and they can be!) – select their protégés based on operation and potential. This means doing well is a first step toward getting the right person in your corner.

Any you practice, take this to heart: mentoring is a reciprocal relationship. Ideally, the mentor learns from yous, too, and feels a sense of pride from watching you grow. Respect your mentor'due south fourth dimension and expertise, and don't but meet to "catch up," exploit, or complain – or for the answer to #23.

Lesson 3 with Robert Greene of Mastery: For existent success, pace, and so outmatch, your mentor

Ah, Alexander the Bully: famous fighter, strategist of state of war, and governor for the ages. The man is a monolith of history, merely what yous might not know is that much of the wisdom upon which he called and later embellished came from the teachings of Aristotle. Without the great philosopher'south influence as a foundation, Alex might be entered in Wikipedia today as Alexander the Kind've Alright or Alexander the Passable. His decision to learn and improve upon what Aristotle taught him is what moved him from good to great.

In Mastery, author and Renaissance human being Robert Greene advises choosing a mentor who volition teach yous their means, just upon whose work you're able to riff and better. The goal should exist to learn the path from your mentor, but rather than stop when you lot arrive at the destination they've described, blaze the trail even further. Your mentor can show you the way and even provide help on the journey, just ultimately, you choose how far you'll get. Set your watermark higher than your mentor's rose, and you'll be well placed to bring up the next generation of outstanding talent.


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